Friday, July 10, 2020

Best Mom's Closet Find Ever

When I was in high school my mother decided she needed to clean out her closet, and she asked if I wanted to see if there was anything of hers I wanted. Based on what I saw my mom wearing day to day, I wasn't sure I'd find anything worthy of my delicate teenaged sensibilities, but agreed to help.

Little did I know that my mom had kept nearly everything from before she and my dad had even met.  Back then it was cheaper to make clothes than buy them, and she had made nearly her entire wardrobe herself. Being a bit of a sentimentalist, she had kept most of it long after it no longer fit. So I got to take my pick of wonderfully handmade, deliciously retro 1960's and 70's vintage clothing.  I was ecstatic. Until I realized almost none of it fit.

See, I take after my grandmother shape wise, and am long legged, small chested and wide hipped.  My mom is almost the complete opposite. 

There was one pair of bright cherry red bell bottoms that I could just barely squeeze my hips into. I let out the hem as much as I could, and wore them for a few years. Then my hips filled out some more and that was that. I still have them in my closet, though I have no idea why. Like mother like daughter I guess.

The only other thing I kept from that closet cleanout was a halter top made from the absolute best fabric I have ever seen. I have kept it and hoarded it, building up my knowledge of fabric and sewing until the day I felt confident enough to try to alter it.

It's been almost 20 years since that closet cleaning. When I recently told my mom that I had dug out the halter top and was finally ready to try altering it,  she dug around in her craft room a bit and found the remnants of the original fabric.  I have never been so grateful for her hoarding tendencies. Armed with my own sewing experiences by now, and a backup stash of fabric, I got to work.

So here it is, pinned and ready for the final sewing.  I don't have a before picture, mostly because I forgot to take one.  Just imagine it sized for a much bustier figure and hanging loose on my flat chested dress form :)

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